summer job?
It's almost summer. School's almost out -- 2 months from now all the little kiddies will be free for 8 weeks. Hoooooray. The problem is, that means that I will be out of a job. Arrgh. I guess I have to look for a job for the summer. That stinks, I think. I want to get a job, a good (decent) job. I'm looking into different options, but I have to start taking it more seriously. Two months may seem like a long time but, really, I'm starting behind the 8-ball because the university students can already start their jobs right away, now, while I have to wait until June 30th. Doesn't mean I can't get a job, it just means that a lot of the good ones will already be taken. I need to look into jobs that are somewhat related to what I do now - maybe tutoring, maybe respite, something like that. We shall see...
Moreover, it should be one of the last times I have to go through this... Education interview, May 8th. Results, June 9th. Fingers crossed.