the randomness of lawrence

insight, take it or leave it. ongoings, going on.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I chime in...

Wow, I am still loving listening to Panic! At The Disco... I wonder how long it will take for P!ATD to no longer be my flavour of the week. Any other recommendations? Hmm... It's been almost a month now. I guess that's not such a bad thing, but I must say, I am getting not so good at just opening media player and letting it go on random. I'm definitely not giving all my music equal play. Oh well.

At the same time, though, I am enjoying listening to some of the Arctic Monkeys music. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna turn on one of their songs right now... (turns out that it's I Bet You'd Look Good on the Dance Floor, surprise).

Last Friday, I went to the Inward Eye show. Everyone was busy, so I went on my own. Yep, they're good enough to go solo to their show. I'm a bit of a loser, but at least it was a really solid show. Those guys are going to be really good one day, really popular. Can't wait til they finish the recording the've been doing down in L.A... should be really, really good. Watch out for them.

I can't wait for the end of the schol year next week. This last week and a half has been dragggggging. (In our staff room someone put up a sheet of 'Top Ten Reasons You Know It's June in a School'. #5 - The thought of summer (and sleeping in) help you make it through Monday... Isn't that the truth?)

I am so excited to go back to school in September. Hooray for school.

My apartment is so not tidy right now. It's pathetic. I am finding random excuses why I don't want to or won't put away the clean laundry that is sitting on my couch. I've also got a whole bunch of dirty laundry to deal with, too. Darn. Not like it's going to get totally dealt with any time soon. Retirement party for my mom Thursday(What comes before Part B? Par-tay...). Off to Brandon for Junior Provincials on the weekend. Guess stuff's gotta get done tomorrow night - or it won't get done. Oh well.

Enough random ramblin' for me. Time for bed. Goodnight.

Friday, June 09, 2006


I got my letter from U of M yesterday. I got in. I got into an Education program! Needless to say, I'm really, really excited. School starts in September and give me two years and I will be a certified teacher. Coolness. Very, very cool. Finally, I know what I want to do and it's all falling into place.
That's the news of the moment, surprise.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Juuuuune.

Sick days are a good thing. I took one today. It ended up being (surprise!) a lazy day. I spent the day alone at my parents' condo being lazy, sleeping and watching TV. Satellite TV is a good way to avoid watching daytime television.

The summer job hunt is going alright. I had one interview earlier this week and have another one scheduled for Monday. I'm hopeful about the interview from earlier this week. I think it could be a pretty good job. We'll see...

We are getting ever closer to the release of admissions decisions from U of M. I could know as early as a week tomorrow. Geez... BUT, knowing is a good thing. (Especially if it's a go)

Listening to my music right now, I'm reminded of a short conversation I had with one of my swimmers. She was wearing a Panic! At the Disco shirt and I commented "good band". Her response was something like, 'yeah, but now all these preppy people like them', to which I laughed and said (only kinda jokingly) 'hey, i'm one of them!"... My question, then, is this: Am I one of those preppies? Am I just a big bandwagon jumper, when it comes to music? I guess it's hard to argue otherwise, especially when I look at the bands that are popping up most often on my playlist lately: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, James Blunt, Matisyahu, and (not so recently) Coldplay... Also, if I am a music preppy, is that a bad thing? I mean, really, what do I care? Should I care? Do I care?