the randomness of lawrence

insight, take it or leave it. ongoings, going on.

Monday, April 03, 2006


So long, no post - which was brought to my attention during my Spring Break trip to Toronto. I went there for the whole week - and what a week it was. I got a chance to do a lot of visiting, saw a lot of people I haven't seen since the last time I was in the city. That was almost two years ago. Two years?!? Wow, time flies. I didn't realize how long it had been until I got there. It was great to see the people that I got a chance to see. There's never enough time to see everyone, but those that I did see, it was great to see. Good times. Definitely, good times. (As a side-note, I think I'd be broke if I lived in T.O. full time...)

I stayed with my sister and her boyfriend. It was nice to be able to hang out with them. I was a little surprised to realize how little of the city I had really gotten to know in my four years at school in the city. There was a lot more to the city than the small-ish patch of downtown that I knew so well (or sort of well, I guess).

Another thing that I had never done in my time in Toronto was go to a Raptors basketball game. This trip fixed that. A friend of my sister gave us tickets - 100-level tickets. Pretty good tickets, especially when they're free. We sat there for the first half of the game. At half time, we were walking in the concourse when a man came up to us and asked us if we were together. (Yes). Noone else was with us? (Nope). Soooo, he told us he and the man he was with were leaving the game and we could have his tickets. They're under the Raptors' net, he said. We couldn't believe it. Until we looked at the tickets, we didn't really believe it was real. It was. It was awesome. One of the Raptors actually fell onto us going for an out of bounds ball. Our feet were on the hardwood. We were pretty much on the court. It was nuts. To top it off, it was a good game, too. The Raps lost, but it was close. Quite the first game experience.

Also, we went to see V For Vendetta while I was in the city. It was really good. I think I need to watch it again. I think it's the kind of movie that I could see three times and see a different side of the movie each time - but that's just me.

Today was April 3, which means Ontario Teachers' College decision day. Let's just say, fingers crossed for U of M. Damn. I was hoping to have to make some sort of choice. That sucks. But all'll be well if I get into U of M.
On the up side, I sent in my last assignment for US Geography today. Now, just the exam is left. We shall see. And fingers crossed for getting into U of M. I'm feeling a little in limbo...


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