the randomness of lawrence

insight, take it or leave it. ongoings, going on.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Juuuuune.

Sick days are a good thing. I took one today. It ended up being (surprise!) a lazy day. I spent the day alone at my parents' condo being lazy, sleeping and watching TV. Satellite TV is a good way to avoid watching daytime television.

The summer job hunt is going alright. I had one interview earlier this week and have another one scheduled for Monday. I'm hopeful about the interview from earlier this week. I think it could be a pretty good job. We'll see...

We are getting ever closer to the release of admissions decisions from U of M. I could know as early as a week tomorrow. Geez... BUT, knowing is a good thing. (Especially if it's a go)

Listening to my music right now, I'm reminded of a short conversation I had with one of my swimmers. She was wearing a Panic! At the Disco shirt and I commented "good band". Her response was something like, 'yeah, but now all these preppy people like them', to which I laughed and said (only kinda jokingly) 'hey, i'm one of them!"... My question, then, is this: Am I one of those preppies? Am I just a big bandwagon jumper, when it comes to music? I guess it's hard to argue otherwise, especially when I look at the bands that are popping up most often on my playlist lately: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, James Blunt, Matisyahu, and (not so recently) Coldplay... Also, if I am a music preppy, is that a bad thing? I mean, really, what do I care? Should I care? Do I care?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know that swimmer, but could guess. Anyway, a word to the wise.

She was just being elitest (elite-est). Chances are she jumped on the "bandwagon", too. I know that you're a real music fan, and that keeps you awesome.

3:32 p.m.  

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