the randomness of lawrence

insight, take it or leave it. ongoings, going on.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I went snowboarding yesterday, for the first time in about 8 years. Even 8 years ago I wasn't any good. Today, I hurt. I hurt a lot. It doesn't help that the snow was crusty or that I bonked my knee on the board's metal binding... my tailbone hurts, my knee hurts. Surprisingly, my wrists don't. My shoulders kinda do, though. At the same time, it was a lot of fun. Especially considering I don't have a swim season to worry about being injured for...sweet.
My mom got me an early birthday present - a digital camera, a Canon Digital Elph, one of the small ones. I can't wait for it to get here. So excited.
Inward Eye on New Years. Also, so excited. Should be good. Maybe I'll have my camera by then.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

christmas vacation

Christmas vacation has begun. A great time for lying around and doing only what I want to do. I love it. No early mornings...unless I want to. No commitments...unless I want to. No worrying about being tired the next day...unless I want to. It's just like spring break or summer vacation, except it's cold. I can deal with that. I can definitely deal with that.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

masters nats

Yesterday, at the gong show, 'one-pool-is-closed-so-we'll-just-swim-three-groups-in-three-lanes' practice, one of the coaches came up to me and started talking about how masters nationals is going to be in winnipeg next year. He suggested that maybe I give it a go. I couldn't help but laugh. Really, think about it - do I really want to be racing at this point (or then)? I can't speak for what I will be thinking then, but right now, I can't see how I'd do it. I mean really, I'd have to actually train in order to avoid embarrasment. If I'd ever been able to sprint, it might've been a different story...but really, do I see myself swimming a 200 fly or 400 im in the next year and a half? No. So...when you see me doing some form of individual event at Masters Nationals next winter, slap me. Please. (Unless of course the COUGARS are going to be in attendance).

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

question before bed

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

"I've got peas on my head, but don't call me a pea-head"

l'examen, c'est fini

Over. Done. Complete. My human geography exam was finished at 10:50 this morning. Not a moment too soon. I don't think it went too terribly...could have been much worse. Now it's 8.5 more days of work at school then WINTER HOLIDAYS! Nah, I'm not excited. Not at all. My first christmas holiday where I don't have to think about spending umpteen hours in the pool during xmas training camp. I can actually relax over the winter holidays. What a concept. I haven't had a swimming-free winter break since, hmm...1995? Ten years. Wow.
Alright time for bed. Xmas vacation hasn't started yet.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

weekend from hell

this very well may have been one of my least favourite weekends ever. Over 14 hours of coaching out in Selkirk, plus the drive there and back. Good meet, but took way too long. To top it off, I've got my human geography distance ed. course exam tomorrow. I may as well say goodbye to my A+ right now. Damn.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

oh yeah

I forgot to add that I get to do papier mache all afternoon at school with our grade sixes. haven't done that since junior high. sweeeet.

i put the pro in procrastination

listening to coldplay. avoiding any real work. bad bad idea. i want to go snowboarding this winter. on the prairies, yes. oh well, just means that i can't hurt myself as badly...

Monday, December 05, 2005

longing for summer.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

i wish i was that original

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hmmm....procrastination at it's best

This is, as the title suggests, one of the best forms of procrastination. I've gotten really good at it. It all starts with cleaning the apartment. That is followed by the discovery that my ceiling is, indeed, leaking. That was fun. Shortly thereafter, it was off to Jumbo to visit Jay and, among other things, marvel at how fast some of the younger guys swam this weekend. Oh yeah, and I also bought Batman Begins. Now, to top off all this beautiful avoidance of work, I have decided to try out this new blog... haven't decided if I'm gonna switch, I think I might just do it at the same time as my livejournal blog ( If you're reading this on my livejournal, leave a comment so I know that there is still life on the lj front. Chances are that noone will really read either of these, maybe I should just blog it on msn spaces, that way everyone on msn will see a nice little star beside my name when I update it. Maybe. We'll see. Maybe I'll just have three blogs going at once... any ideas?

Ok, seriously it's time to get back to those last two chapters of human geography. bllllaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Maybe I'll just go watch Fog of War...