the randomness of lawrence

insight, take it or leave it. ongoings, going on.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

hmmm....procrastination at it's best

This is, as the title suggests, one of the best forms of procrastination. I've gotten really good at it. It all starts with cleaning the apartment. That is followed by the discovery that my ceiling is, indeed, leaking. That was fun. Shortly thereafter, it was off to Jumbo to visit Jay and, among other things, marvel at how fast some of the younger guys swam this weekend. Oh yeah, and I also bought Batman Begins. Now, to top off all this beautiful avoidance of work, I have decided to try out this new blog... haven't decided if I'm gonna switch, I think I might just do it at the same time as my livejournal blog ( If you're reading this on my livejournal, leave a comment so I know that there is still life on the lj front. Chances are that noone will really read either of these, maybe I should just blog it on msn spaces, that way everyone on msn will see a nice little star beside my name when I update it. Maybe. We'll see. Maybe I'll just have three blogs going at once... any ideas?

Ok, seriously it's time to get back to those last two chapters of human geography. bllllaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Maybe I'll just go watch Fog of War...


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